Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Animal T-shirts

When I moved into my position six years ago, one of the first grade teachers approached me about painting T-shirts as an end-of-the-year activity. As a naive first-year teacher trying to please, I said yes. Oh, Rach.

Enough drama--it's not so bad. In fact, sometimes it's a lot of fun! The kids love it and use the T-shirts as a life-size yearbook, signing the backs of one another's shirts and wearing them as school winds down.

This year's Field Day theme was 'animals,' so I grabbed that opportunity and ran with it, turning T-shirt time into a full-fledged lesson on pattern...

White tigers!


And Dalmatians, oh my!

I couldn't be there on Field Day (I was at the other building, womp womp) but word on the street is that the first graders showed up everyone else with their rockin' tees!


  1. Hellooooo! I am Meg, and I randomly stumbled upon your blog today! What a joy to read about all your fantastic ideas and see your kids creative work! I saw you wrote about a Miss Caruso, and I do know her :) I go to Messiah, Lindsey and I are friends :) I am 2 years behind her and I am a Studio Art major- but your blog makes me want to teach! haha :) I am currently interning at an Art Therapy program, as I hope to get into grad school for Art Therapy! Maybe I will be able to steal some of your great projects and and a bit of a therapeutic element to them.

    Your blog is a joy!


  2. Hi there!
    Thanks so much for the resources! I saw some of your lessons on Pinterest and want to use them in my room! I love the idea of your blog. I'm excited to be your newest follower. I've nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can get more information on how to accept the nomination at my site. Here is the link:
    Jaime Speed--5th grade teacher
